Friday, April 3, 2009

Tuesdays our day!

Tuesdays used to be kajie's day off and my half day lectures and after that we would go havocing in the city shopping like mad but of course before that she always has to do some banking!

Yes..tuesdays used to be about good food too!

There was one of the tuesdays which we did our shopping spree in Newtown, just down the road from university of sydney. Now Newtown is really happening, everything opens here all the time, they don't even close on Sundays and they close later than any other retail shops in Sydney. There's tons of food and small shops which sells a wide range of price esp for clothes. Step in to one shop and is all the clothes people donate and they clean it to resell and then there's the Japan shop which sells like AUD 400 over for a top!!!
New town is filled with lady boys, drug addicts, goths, really a sight!

Of course nothing beats this sight of a poster which caught my eye in Newtown
My interpretation of this poster is they want someone who's a male and female virgin in one body for AUD 20, wonder so many thai people in Newtown haha
There weren't many of these tuesdays before I was hired to be a pharmacy asst in Kajie's late night chemist pharmacy in Campsie which is not very near wherever we are, neither is it far from where we are but Campsie is really a town of its own, you don't even feel like is part of Sydney.
It feels like a korean or vietnamese town..with lots of old people walking around..

So i work Tuesdays and wednesdays from 2-6pm in the pharmacy and get pretty good pay esp when its not busy and there's no stock to handle. I would bring my books there and sit down to read while waiting for someone sick to come in.


Quite busy trying on crutches

Is really quite interesting working in the pharmacy, I don't really prescribe medicine cause that's what the pharmacist does, but from what I notice if you work there long enough the pharmacy asst is just like a pharmacist without a license.
Well people come in with their scripts and I'll try to find the medicine in the huge shelf and pass it to the pharmacist and wait for them to handle everything else and then the last part is playing with the cashier or the credit/debit machine.
But I can't help but think a pharmacy is actually quite a dodgy business if is not run properly.
You see, in a country like Aus, you have people coming in to buy Nurofen, Cough mixtures for their addiction, or you have people coming in wanting to get needles.
Of course the best are those coming in with prescription for every man's useful friend


Don't get me wrong, there's nothing dodgy about this magical pill. I just can't help but laugh when I see the word VIAGRA in someone's prescription.
Is really not boring to meet people who come in looking for the funniest things like female condom, panadol for the bottom...well soon I would be familiar with all these situations and then it won't sound new and funny to me..that's when i'm a PROOOOOOOfesional pharmacy ASSISTANT!!!!

Hang on..what happened to my INVESTMENT BANKING dream or the dream to save Wall Street?????>_<"

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